Holly Township Supervisor
George A. Kullis
248.634.9331 ext 304


Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  and Wednesdays till 6:00 p.m. except Holidays.  Night and Weekends are by appointment.

In a General Law Township, the elected voting Township Board officers consist of the Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, and two Trustees.  Holly Township residents voted to increase Trustees to 4 in 2022.

The Supervisors duties are as follows:
Chairperson for the Board of Trustees is the moderator of any township meeting, with the authority to place a person under oath on any statement made in his or her official capacity as supervisor.

The Supervisor is the chief assessing officer of the Township, responsible for assessing property values within the Township at 50 percent of its true cash value (MCL 41.61). Even if the is not a certified assessor, he/she is still responsible for this duty.

Under the General Property Tax Act, the Supervisor is required to act as the secretary to the Board of Review and must keep a record of the proceedings of the board and all changes made in the Township Assessment Roll (MCL 211.33).

In addition to the Board of Review the Supervisor also is a member of the Holly Township Elections Committee (MCL 168.26).

The Supervisor is required to preserve and keep all books, assessment rolls and other papers belonging to the office in a safe and suitable place and deliver them on demand to the successor in office.

Other Responsibilities:

The Supervisor is the Township’s Agent for transacting all legal business, upon whom suits may be brought and defended and upon whom all process against the Township is served.

The Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer constitute the Board of Township Election Commissioners in a general law township, with the Clerk acting as its chairperson.

In addition to statutory duties and responsibilities, the Supervisor is frequently delegated additional functions and duties by the Township Board.